E-Cigarette Vaping - Tips for beginners
What kind of electronic cigarettes should I buy as a beginner? Which smoker is the best for a beginner? - again and again we receive inquiries like this.We would be happy to give you some tips for getting started with e-smoking.
Vaping Devices
Before buying your first electronic cigarette, you should answer the following questions yourself: A very important question is the consumption of cigarettes. Here, you can roughly limit the size of your later electronic cigarette. If you were only an occasional smoker or have smoked very little (up to 10 cigarettes), a mini-model might be enough. These small e-cigarettes do not produce quite as much steam and flash as the larger models, but are closer to the size and look of a real "pyro". Average to strong smokers will probably have little joy on these tiny ones. The amount of nicotine needed is hardly reached with small and smallest electronic cigarettes, so that there is no adequate satisfaction. If this is the case, however, the relapse to the conventional cigarette should be pre-programmed within a very short time.If you are looking for a different, healthier hobby, or if you are looking for an alternative fancy. You should not play with drugs (nicotine)! The use of an electronic cigarette should remain exclusively (!) To former smokers who do not want or can not stop.
What strength?
This question also provides a first indication of how your future electronic cigarette should be. A simple formula is "the stronger the bigger". Of course the strength can later be adapted to the nicotine content of the depots (non, low, medium, strong), but the strength of the flash and the amount of steam should not really satisfy a strong smoker with a mini or micro electronic cigarette.
E-Cigs: How important is the appearance of my vaping devices? This is a question that beginners is often very important in our experience. Most would like to get as close to the combustible products as possible with the appearance of the electronic cigarette. To do this, we have two counter-questions: What does an almost real-looking mini use to you if the "smoker's satisfaction" does not happen? And: Do you really want to be addressed in non-smoking areas because your electronic cigarette looks like a real one? The trouble is already programmed! Small side-note: The risk of confusion is, for example, The only argument of some airlines for an evape starter kit ban on board!
Of course, we do not know your financial scope, so a tip: Better two more expensive sets than an expensive one, and pay attention to the offered service and the guarantee duration. In addition, compatible models are generally cheaper in the long run, since you do not need a special vendor.What do I have to consider?
Finally, a few tips:
- For the first model, use a compatible vape starter kit, such as A current eGo model (slightly thicker mini) in a color that differs significantly from normal cigarettes. They save themselves anger with too little steam / flash and with complaining neighbors in non-smoking areas. Economical contemporaries are also well-served with a Clearomizer / Cartomizer model with 510 / eGo battery connection.
- The hardware has not originally been developed for a prolonged use - accordingly, the electronic cigarette is not just one of the most durable devices. For this reason we recommend two compatible sets as basic equipment, if financially possible. You can also buy a second set only when you consider a change to E-smoking seriously
- Also start as low or light smokers with a relatively high nicotine dose. If you already have a nicotine under supply in the first few days, the joy of the electronic cigarette will only be of short duration - you will probably then again reach the normal cigarette. A later lowering of the depot / liquid strength is in the i.d.R. More successful than an unsatisfactory experience in the beginning.
- Please pay attention to the following additional services, such as: Shipping costs, warranty duration, delivery speed, service quality etc .. Ask experienced vaping for tips. These can be found for example. Also in the relevant vaping forums. Important information about the
Online shopping can also be found on our Secure Shopping pag - Begin with standard models that offer easy handling, as mentioned above. With an eGo, possibly also Carto / Clearomizer sets are a good start. E-whistles, e-cigars or exotic models are more recommended for already advanced "e-steamer" (but for experimenters of course, quite suitable). The current so-called self-winding evaporators are rather something for savvy e-smokers and skillful hobbyists.
- Begin with standard E Cigarette models that offer easy handling, as mentioned above. With an eGo, possibly also Carto / Clearomizer sets are a good start. E-whistles, e-cigars or exotic models are more recommended for already advanced "e-steamer" (but for experimenters of course, quite suitable). The current so-called self-winding evaporators are rather something for savvy e-smokers and skillful hobbyists.
- Important! Do not overdo the E-consumption at the beginning! The electronic cigarette delivers the nicotine slower (!) Than a tobacco cigarette! Especially when trying to try, you run too much on the devices. Moreover, the (likely) initial mix of conventional and E-cigarettes is not advantageous. Already at the first signs of dizziness, nausea or headaches, there is only one thing: Laying out and taking a break! Your body needs to get used to the changed intake of nicotine - give it the chance!
- Practice e-smoking! This is no joke. At the electronic cigarette, for example, i.d.R. Gentle, but longer. In addition, each model (sometimes even copies of the same model) has its own characteristics. Do not despair if it does not work out right at the beginning. Here too our tip: For beginning difficulties, the e-vaping forums are ideal contact points.
- The entry seems too expensive because of the relatively high acquisition costs? How about an inexpensive disposable electronic cigarette? These are now available in many shops.
And - do not let the confusion of these disposable products confuse you. If the one-way dump is only halfway acceptable for a change, then try it. Later, you will find the right depots or liquids right for your taste and a suitable electronic cigarette model just right for your needs - we are quite sure. - And finally: All (!) E-smokers make negative experiences with the e-smoking sooner or later: from defective hardware over mocking colleagues up to the company pledges of the beloved house supplier. Just keep calm and calm! Even if you have to go back to "Pyro" for a short time, it is not a broken leg.